Strong collaborations
Of course, the ACES team is not able to perform at top level alone. Please find below our growing number of excellent collaborative partners. Thank you for being part of the team!
AFC Ajax
Amsterdam Collaboration of Health & Safety in Sports | ACHSS
Amsterdam Institute of Sport Science |AISS
Amsterdam Movement Sciences | AMS
Amsterdam Skills Center
Aspetar Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Hospital
De Sportartsengroep
Dutch Paralympic Sports | GSN
European Society of Sports Traumatology, knee surgery and arthroscopy | ESSKA
FC Utrecht
French-speaking Research Network for Athlete Health Protection & Performance
Fysiokliniek Amsterdam
Fysiomed B.V.
Fysiotherapie De Nieuwe Keizers
Global Sports Communication
Go Ahead Eagles
Institute of Sports Medicine & Sports Orthopedic Research Center-Copenhagen
International Olympic Committee | IOC
International Society of Arthroscopy Knee surgery and Orthopaedic Sports medicine | ISAKOS
London’s Institute for Sports, Exercise and Health and National Centre for Sports Exercise and Medicine
Nationale Ballet
Nederlandse Vereniging voor Arthroscopie | NVA
Nederlands Dans Theater | NDT
Oslo Sports Trauma Research Centre
PEC Zwolle
Ragas & Sip Fysiotherapie
Royal Dutch Speed Skating Foundation | KNSB
sc Heerenveen
Sport, Exercise Medicine and Lifestyle Institute
Sport Injury Prevention Research Centre
The Australian Centre for Research into Injury in Sport and its Prevention
The Dutch Basketball Association | NBB
The Dutch Handball Association | NHV
The Dutch Judo Federation (JBN)
The Dutch Korfball Association | KNKV
The Dutch Royal Lawn and Tennis Association |KNLTB
The Dutch Triathlon Federation | NTB
The Dutch Volleyball Association | NeVoBo
The Royal Dutch Athletics Union | KNAU
The Royal Duth Football Association | KNVB
The Royal Dutch Gymnastics Unon | KNGU
The Royal Dutch Hockey Association | KNHB
The Royal Dutch Mountaineering Foundation | KNBV
The Royal Dutch Rowing Association | KNRB
The Royal Dutch Swimming Association | KNZB
Topsport Amsterdam
United States Coalition for the Prevention of Illness and Injury in Sport
Veel Beter Fysiotherapie
Veiligheid NL
Vereniging voor Sportgeneeskunde | VSG
Yonsei Institute of Sports Science and Exercise Medicine Amsterdam Collaboration on Health & Safety in Sports